FWFP system February Updates

The team has been working hard behind the scenes to get the FreshWater Farm Plan tool ready for release.

Updates have been made to multiple pages in the FreshWater Farm Plan system to improve functionality and ease of use, and to align with MfE requirements.
The following pages have been updated:
• Enterprise / Farm details
• Cropping and Cultivation
• Cultural significance
• Risk Assessment
• Risk database
• Action form
• Summary

Two new sections have been added to the FreshWater Farm Plan report which includes ‘Cropping & Cultivation’ and ‘Nutrient’. Multiple section updates have been made also to improve content and functionality.
These sections include:
• Contents Page
• Risk Assessment
• Community and Catchment
• Land unit table
• Features – Waterways
• 5 Year Action Plan

FWFP development