On the Summary page, you’ll find a container on the right-hand side called “My Reports”.

This is where you can see any of the pre-formatted reports that are system-generated within the tool. The list of available reports includes the following:
- INFDP Admin Info – basic farm details that are supplied to the National Database along with your action plan.
- INFDP Action Plan – this report, in Excel format, is generated be seamlessly uploaded to the INFDP database by your plan certifier.
- Actions Only – a summary of the actions you’ve created for your Freshwater Farm Plan.
- Actions Only (Excel) a summary of the actions you’ve created for your Freshwater Farm Plan, but in Excel format.
- Risks and Actions – a PDF report showing all of the identified risks on your farm and their accompanying actions.
- Regulatory Export – A GeoJSON file with all the regulatory information in a format suitable to be imported into regulatory databases.
- Schedule 7 and GMP Actions – an Excel report linking your actions to Schedule 7 Objectives and Tasks and Good Management Practices (for ECAN only)
- Schedule 7 Report – a PDF report showing each Schedule 7 objective and related Tasks, linked to the actions in your plan that address these (for ECAN only)
- Good Management Practices – a PDF report showing each Good Management Practice and any actions you’ve created that align with that practice. (for ECAN only)
Other reports will become available in time as users increase and the need for more reports becomes obvious. Please let us know if there is an additional report you consider is worth us creating.