Freshwater Farm Plan News

An update on the QCONZ FWFP tool

Click the link below to read about recent updates made to the QCONZ Freshwater Farm Plan tool and more.

A digital tool for freshwater farm planning

Click the link below to read an article by our COO, Josh Wheeler in NZARMs broadsheet issue 43 on our Freshwater Farm Plan digital tool (pg18).

How freshwater farm plans benefit farmers, growers and freshwater

An interesting article on Stuff on Freshwater Farm Plans and insights from Virginia Loughnan (MfE). 

‘QCONZ’s Freshwater Farm Plan digital tool is well suited to support farmers and growers in developing their plans.’ – Josh Wheeler COO QCONZ 

QCONZ showcase our Freshwater Farm Plan system at the NZARM Conference

QCONZ was thrilled to be a major sponsor of the New Zealand Association of Resource Management (NZARM) conference which took place between 17 -19 October in Wellington.